
REAL Canadian Breast Cancer Alliance releases annual clinical consensus recommendations and standards of care through a structured and collaborative process designed to ensure comprehensive, evidence-based care management that reflects the latest advancements in clinical trial research outcomes.

We invite you to explore REAL consensus recommendation publications aimed at improving breast cancer care across Canada, and check back for annual clinical recommendation updates and news.

National Consensus Recommendations:

Treatment of HER2+ Breast Cancer
Systemic Treatment of Patients with HER2+ Breast Cancer in Both the Early and Metastatic Setting

Clinical Breast Cancer Staging
as featured in the the 30th Anniversary of Current Oncology, Special Issue:
Perspectives in Clinical Oncology Practice

News Release: 

Announcing REAL Canadian Breast Cancer Alliance

Media Inquiries:

Members of the media looking to connect with Breast Cancer Canada, please email:


Queued for Completion:

  • Treatment Management of HR+ Early Stage Breast Cancer 
  • Treatment Management of HR+ Metastatic Breast Cancer
  • Treatment Management of Triple Negative Breast Cancer 
  • Treatment Management Using Molecular Diagnostics and Markers